A Guide To Moving Violations

9 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When you're interested in getting help with a moving violation, it's important to bring in moving violation lawyers that can help you out. You will want to do business with some lawyers that can assist you, while also working to fight your traffic ticket on your own terms. To this end, read below and follow these strategies so that you are able to get help anytime that you're in need of legal assistance. Read More 

When Your Child Visitation Arrangements Go Wrong

12 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are the divorcing parent of a child, the normal divorce procedure will involve some extra steps. The family court system places a very high priority on the health and well-being of children under the age of 18, so you and your spouse will need to come to an agreement on things like child custody, child support and visitation. The parent who ends up not getting physical custody of the child, in most cases, has the right to visit the child. Read More 

Couples Can Save On Taxes By Divorcing: But Will Their Relationship Survive?

8 August 2017
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An increasing number of couples are turning to a unique way of saving money on their taxes by divorcing. However, this change can put a serious strain on their relationship. That's why it is important to understand the benefits and weigh whether or not it is worth risking a happy marriage. There Are Many Tax Rules That Seem To Punish Married Couples While many married couples can save on their taxes by taking advantage of certain deductions, other couples seem to get punished. Read More 

Three Mistakes To Avoid During Child Custody Proceedings

17 July 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Getting a divorce is never easy, but it can be especially difficult when there are children involved. It doesn't matter if you are trying to get full custody or partial, there are things you can do that can compromise your chances. Don't make a mistake you will later regret.  #1:  Not managing your emotions Don't let your temper get the best of you. A divorce is a high-emotion period of your life, so it is only natural for it to be more difficult to control your emotions. Read More 

Defending Against Car Accident Lawsuits If A Fallen Engine Contributed

29 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Car accident lawsuits can be a devastating type to argue, particularly if the person driving the car who caused the accident may have done nothing wrong. For example, if the car engine falls out while they are driving, they may be liable for damages in a lawsuit. Here's what needs to be understood about this type of case and how to defend it. Engine Mounts Can Break Off Car engines are held in place inside the car by what are known as engine mounts. Read More