Problems Often Associated With Auto Accidents During The Holidays

19 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Throughout the holiday season, millions of people will get in their vehicles and make their way to their relatives' homes for dinners, get-togethers, presents, and all kinds of fun. Holiday traffic can be an all-out nightmare because there are so many people on the roadways, and accidents are more likely to occur. Unfortunately, if you are on the worst end of an auto accident that was not your fault, there are some issues you can run into because of the time of year. Read More 

What To Expect During Civil Litigation?

3 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you've never been involved with a civil lawsuit, the process can seem surprising to deal with. With few exceptions, the depiction of civil litigation people have seen on TV and in movies doesn't capture how it works. Let's take a look at the basics of the process so you can get more out of working with a civil litigation lawyer. Declaring Intent to Sue At some point, every lawsuit has to officially become a lawsuit. Read More 

Do You Suspect The Trucker Who Hit You Was Drunk?

30 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Getting in a car accident, especially when the other vehicle is a large truck, is a truly unnerving experience. But what if, based on the events that immediately follow the accident, you suspect the trucker who hit you was drunk? Although drunk driving is never a good thing, if the driver is found to have been drunk at the time of the crash, this fact could actually make the process of receiving compensation for your claims a bit easier. Read More 

What You Should Know If You Want To File For Bankruptcy A Second Time

24 April 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Filing for bankruptcy is an event that can have results that last for a very long time, yet it can be extremely helpful for people who are overwhelmed with debt and cannot find a way out. If you are at the point where you cannot pay your debts but have filed for bankruptcy before, you might be able to file for it again; however, you may have to wait to do so. Read More 

How To Respond When Your Partner Won’t Follow A Divorce Decree

30 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

A divorce decree is a court judgement that must be followed by both parties in a divorce. In some cases, a divorce decree involves something that your partner doesn't agree with and he or she might be resistant when following the orders of a divorce decree, but there are several things you can do about this. You Have Work to Do It is the responsibility of the party of the aggrieved to demonstrate that the failure to follow an order is deliberately in disobedience toward the court order and that it is willful. Read More