2 Reasons To Hire An Attorney When You Are Interested In Purchasing Tax Sale Properties

9 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog

While looking at properties to buy, you may have started to research purchasing homes through tax sales. Because these homes are going up for sale to pay for unpaid taxes, the prices are often cheaper than other houses you have found for sale, making them an attractive potential investment. However, purchasing properties through tax sales can seem daunting, requiring someone who knows the ins and outs of the process. Below are a couple of reasons that you should hire an attorney if you are interested in getting started with looking for and buying tax sale properties. Read More 

Preparing A Nursing License Defense For Patient Neglect

27 October 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Satisfactory patient care is the goal of healthcare facilities. So, when administration receives a claim alleging patient neglect, they will take it seriously. Sometimes, these allegations do not just involve disciplinary actions involving the healthcare facility, they sometimes also threaten the licensure of the nurse. When a matter escalates to this point, it is essential to take this matter seriously and prepare a defense.  Detail the Full Story Now is not the time to carry the entire load on your shoulders. Read More 

Don’t Think You Need An Auto Accident Attorney? 4 Reasons Why You Do

29 September 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you've been in a car accident, one thing you should do right away is talk to an attorney. This is especially important if you sustained injuries during the accident. If you're not sure you need legal representation after a car accident, read the information below. You'll find four ways that an auto accident attorney can help after an accident.  Determine Merits of Your Case If you're not happy with the offers you're getting from the insurance company, you may want to take legal action. Read More 

Whiplash After an Accident: More Damaging Than Many Know

12 August 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Whiplash is perhaps the most frequent accident injury. However, don't dismiss whiplash just because it seems so common. Whiplash can create problems for accident victims, and they deserve compensation if the other driver caused the injury. Read on and find out more. Hit from Behind Almost all whiplash injuries are the result of being rear-ended. Although auto manufacturers have done a good job of making vehicles safer, restraining a driver's head is not possible. Read More 

How The Family Court Helps To Protect Children During Divorce

29 June 2022
 Categories: , Blog

When a couple makes that life-changing decision to part ways, the effects will inevitably trickle down and affect the children of the marriage. The family court is not just there to decide on divorces, though. They are there to advocate for children who could be left in a vulnerable position because of their parent's decisions. Read on and find out how the court views children involved in divorce issues. The Court Is Watching Read More